Well, as you all know, I've had a wretched ear infection this weekend, but am happy to report that I am feeling almost good as new today. I know, I know...poor, poor pitiful me...but in my own defense, I do get monster ear infections which have landed me in the hospital twice, for a week each time, so you can easily understand the basis for my alarm.
The good news is that while I was being puny yesterday, and all from the comfort of my bed, I gave myself a pedicure, manicure and plucked my eyebrows (with some help from a lighted magnifying mirror). In my own estimation, I saved myself $70. A fact which gave me great delight. Well, that is until I ran a few errands today, and spent closer to $300 (groceries, car wash, weekly Starbucks fix, The Elements of Style, a couple of iPod accessories and Strunk's Elements of Style).
I wish I could say I got more accomplished this weekend, but to be honest, I really did feel puny, and took several naps yesterday with the help of the pain killers prescribed by the doctor which did a great job of easing the pain, but alas, knocked me out as well. Have never understood the recreational use of pain killers.....I mean, for me anyway, that would be the equivalent of popping Tylenol PM times ten, just for kicks......and who does that? LOL
Today however, I have been marginally more productive, and can report that I there is a lemon, sour cream poundcake in my oven at this very moment, smelling quite scrumptious if I do say so myself. I got the recipe from my best friend, who found it on the Southern Living website. What further validation is required? Southern Living = tres' fab, right? At any rate, here's a link to the recipe in case you're interested:
My mother's initial reaction to my blog was less than favorable and she admonished me repeatedly that it made me sound shallow. As such, I have refrained from saying much about my new iPod, but at the risk of further reproach, have decided to share just a few of the cool things I've done since purchasing it. For one, I've downloaded the most informative podcasts from iTunes. They have podcasts for anything you can imagine. Most of the ones in my collection are tips on writing, but I also found podcasts containing Jane Austen's books. The best part is, so far, everything I've downloaded has been free. I really like www.americanwriters.com postcast and www.ishouldbewriting.com podcast. The Austen is just gravy...right now, I'm listening to Pride and Prejudice, and loving it. Oh...I also love Grammar Girl's quick and dirty grammar tips. Yes....all of this makes me sound quite nerdy.....oh well, so be it.....I'm the trendiest nerd YOU'LL ever meet! *wink*
I also checked in with my friends BAM and PPM, and have thoroughly enjoyed reading their blog entries. I must say theirs are of far superior literary quality than my own, but hey...you gotta start somewhere right?
OH........and most importantly, I got another chapter of my novel finished. The next chpater to write is Sweet Sixteen....wooo flippin hooo!!!! GO ME! Have done some investigations into self-publishing, am having mixed emotions and am just going to write, write, write and hope to procure an agent or book deal at a more appropriate time.
Till next time....
Miss Scarlett
Au contraire, Miss Scarlett! It has been my pleasure to read and enjoy your insights and life here in cyberspace, in addition to our other communique. Eagerly, I look forward to more and more writing from you. Soon I will be buying it on the shelves. Did I hear you say Jane Austin Books??? You love them also??? Ahhhhhhh, you are a kindred, Miss Scaaaahlet. Ciao for now.
Can you mail some lemon poundcake? Sounds good! BAM!
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