Monday, September 1, 2008

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!! - Henny Penny

As a 35 year resident of the Gulf Coast, I would like to remind the media of their duty to accurately report the news in the interest of public safety. Gustav is a Category 2. To hear the news, you'd think it was a category 52 (just dramatic effect, in the same vein as typical reporting). By no means, do I mean to trivialize a Category 2 storm....I have ridden out many myself and know what they are like. The point is, the reason people don't take hurricanes seriously anymore is because the media reports every thunderstorn or raindrop as a deadly hybrid tsunami/hurricane and we can't depend on the media to give it to us straight. You wonder why Katrina was so devastating? One reason because people no longer take the media seriously (on hurricanes or anything else for that matter). We can't depend on the to give us straight facts instead of going for the gusto ratings. The media incites hysterical fears because it is profitable for them to do so. They traffic in human suffering. If you consider that statement for a moment, you will agree it is true. It is deplorable that a once noble profession has become so corrupt and public safety has taken a back seat to beating out the other station.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Formatting Issues

If anyone out there can tell me why I spend SO much time making my format pretty, only to publish the blog and have it look like a hodge podge of crap, please do! What am I doing wrong????

The Weekender

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
-Cyril Connolly
Good Morning! *yawn* It's kind of early for me to be up on a Saturday or, perhaps late depending on your perspective. My friend P. noticed I haven't blogged in a few days, so here I am, broadcasting live from my comfy, cozy bed, via laptop and my wireless aircard (the combination of which has been my best decision ever - I love the freedom of writing/shopping/emailing, etc., from anywhere I happen to be, in bed, at the beach, at the park, or in the car -when I'm a passenger, of course). But I digress, here I am on this overcast Saturday morning. I have a million things to do today but yet, I lie here taking in the day like I have all the time in the world. I'm taking some good advice from my friend P. and am going to take the slow boat today. Whatever I get done, I get done. Whatever is left undone can wait until tomorrow.
For the benefit of those of you who don't know, I am working on my first novel. At present, I am just shy of reaching the 40K word mark, and am shooting for somewhere around 65K words. I have learned so much since I began this journey a little over a year ago. Things the average person never stops to consider but which most experienced writers take for granted. Well, I suppose they do. I'm sure they didn't when they were in my shoes but with experience comes certain perks, right?
So, for the benefit of anyone out there who may feel the call to write the novel hiding inside, I offer a few humble tips. Bear in mind, these are tips from a novice novelist, but they seem to be working for me so far and I am happy to share them with you.
Here goes: -The most important tip I can offer is this: Learn everything you can about the tips, tools and tricks of the trade in writing a novel. Take in as much as possible. Then, incorporate what works for you and toss out what doesn't. Don't feel inferior or guilty if some particular "gem" just doesn't fit your style. If it doesn't, it doesn't. Accept this, incorporate what works and toss out the rest. Don't give it a second thought. This is the best tip I can offer. They only get less helpful from here. Continue at your own risk! LOL -Write when you are inspired. I realize this goes against the grain and that most experts say you shoudl set aside time to write every day. With my day to day commitments and struggles, I just can't write every day. Even if find an extra hour, if I am not truly inspired and motivated to write, it doesn't work. On the flip side, when an idea comes to me, or the next chapter of my book unfolds in my head, I have been known to stop whatever I am doing and head to the computer. If I am unable to sit down and pound on the keys, I take five minutes and jot everything down in my notebook (see later tip about notebooks). In short, strike while the iron is hot!
-Write the whole chapter. This may sound like a daunting task to some but, for me, it is just the natural way I write. I start out with a scene unfolding in my head and can't stop writing until the scene ends. Most of my chapters range between 2K-3K words. Once or twice, I've written two chapters in the same sitting, but usually I write a chapter, then walk away. Now, as a result, my novel is taking much longer to write than some, but probably not as long as others. However, I'm not interesting in breaking any speed writing records, I'm interested in writing the best novel I can. Good things take time.
-Keep a notebook handy. This may seem trivial but trust me on this one, it's the single best tip I've heard. It seemed a little hokey when I first read about it but I gave it a try anyway and have been carrying a small notebook (think 6x9 if you're a girl who carries a medium to large purse as I do). Mine has a black and white picture of the Eiffel Tower on it. In the three weeks since I've incorporated this one, I've jotted down 8 or 9 great short story/blog ideas and have two whole pages of ideas for my novel. Ideas which have come to me in line at the grocery store, sitting in traffic, walking through the mall or even at work. It usually takes me less than 30 seconds to jot down a quick line but these small investments are already paying big dividends. I'm contemplating getting a digital voice recorder to carry with me. The premise is the same as the notebook, but with a digital voice recorder (with a USB connection and the like), I could dictate scenes while sitting in traffic or at the park and transfer the voice file over to my computer and save them in the folder with my manuscript. Later, it could be easy to transcribe the scenes, tweak and make adjustments. The jury is still out on that one.

-Keep a character file. I wish I had known about this one when I started writing. It would have come in handy more than a few times. There are many complex ways to do this, but I prefer to keep it simple. As such, you open a new document and list out all your characters. Then next to each character's name, you fill in as much information as you can about that character from your book. Full name, physical characteristics, mannerisms, hometown, etc. You get the idea. This idea also works well for chapters. You keep a one or two paragraph synopsis of each chapter. In all honestly, I haven't done this myself, but hope to have finished it by month end. These two files work together and and as you read back through your work while completing them, you are likely to notice inconsistences such as Emily Jane's blonde hair in Chapter 2 which somehow morphed into black hair in Chapter 17 or how you started out writing about a hot summer day in Chapter 6 and then, in Chapter 8, you begin "Three months later, on a beautiful spring day..." These are small nuances but readers pick up on them right away. My philosophy is that it's best to fix things as soon as you notice them and not wait for some extreme editing session once the book is finished. There are many people who disagree on this point. Do what works best for you. -Search the web. There are many great writing tips to be gleened from the web. Take some time, google "writing tips" or "writing a novel" and invest a few minutes in honing your craft. Also, get a copy of The Elements of Style by Strunk and White. Read it. Live it. Eat it if you have to, whatever it takes to get it into your system! -Keep writing. Don't get discouraged. Don't look at how many words you are lacking. Don't even look at the calendar with the months quickly slipping away. If you feel there is a novel inside you waiting to get out, there probably is. Now write it! Rome wasn't built in a day. You know all the quotes about baby steps, never give up, etc. Take heed and keep at it. You will eventually finish. I will eventually finish. All in good time, my dear. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.....the important thing is to keep on writing until you get it done. Until next time, Happy Saturday! I'm off to begin my Saturday adventure. Go find your own adventure and meet me back here tomorrow night for a weekend wrapup!

-Miss Scarlett

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tumultuous Tuesdays....

There is a world in which I calmly and rationally deal with the little hiccups life throws my way. You know the type – the unexpected car repair, family drama and most especially, PMS. In this world, I take a deep breath, count to ten, and take a few extra moments to remind myself of all of the wonderful things in my life. At the risk of sounding immodest, I must confide what a wonderful environment it truly is. Instead of allowing my emotions to get the best of me, and saying hurtful things to those people whom I love the most, there is something intrinsic which stops the urge even before the first word has formed on my lips. It is the place I have aspired to for my entire adult life and the view is truly incredible. Well, that’s what my minds eye tells me anyway. I’ve never actually seen this place in real life, but oh does it thrive in the open spaces of my mind. Some days it seems closer than others, but never close enough to touch. I keep hoping that age and wisdom will bring it within my grasp, but the only wisdom I can authentically claim is in the fact that I am quite a lucky girl, with quite a charmed life. I have parents who love me and have made more sacrifices than I will ever know, and a Greek god for a boyfriend whose sole mission in life is to go out and slay all the dragons in my path, whether real or perceived. Despite everything going on in his crazy, busy life, he takes the time to listen to me, try to help me and, in his own words, to “just make me smile.” I also friends who are never more than a phone call away-anytime day or night. Friends who will spend hours on the phone with me, laughing, crying, cheerleading and chastising, all in perfect love. These are the things I know without any reservation or hesitancy in my heart. You may ask yourself how someone repays so much kindness and good fortune and gives something back to those people who have given her so much. It’s the million-dollar question. I should know, I spend hours pondering the answer and always coming up with lofty ideas only end up with broken promises to myself and more importantly, to those I love so much. How many times can you really say “I’m sorry I lost my temper/mind/grip on reality (insert appropriate emotion here) and expect it to hold any water? How many times can you slap away the hand reached out to help you and expect that it should be readily offered again the next time you lose your footing? How much patience do even the most wonderful saints possess for such a lost cause? I do not know. These are the questions, which keep me awake at night, tossing and turning. The answers to which escape me as easily as the sleep I so desperately need. Before you judge too harshly, you should know the depths and lengths to which I go to fiord the chasm I alone seem to recreate every day or, at least once a week. I try to refocus, reframe and regroup, all to the point of utter exhaustion. I read books, listen to podcasts and give myself stern lectures, which loop through my mind in constant “autoplay” mode. There is nothing I want in life more than to be to these people who love me so much, everything they deserve, and all that they represent to me. I kid you not, I want it more than my next breath, than my next meal, or my next moment of rest. Some days, my efforts seem to be fruitful, and I feel pretty good about the person I am and have high hopes for the person I want to become. But most days, I lose my temper, I behave selfishly and pout when things don’t go exactly the way I’d planned. Then, life throws something relatively minor at me, and I flip my lid completely, sending myself and everyone around me into a tailspin, flailing about so panicked and afraid, I almost pull those people I love most into the rapidly swirling currents and resist all efforts made to grab on to the boat, relax and enjoy my margarita before the ice melts. Why do I do this? What is so innately wrong with my wiring that I take people for granted, and do the very things I try so hard not to do? How many more miles do I have to go before reality reaches that rational place in my mind’s eye? I do not know. Perhaps I will never know. But as for now, with gas prices so high, it is proving to be quite an expensive trip. I hope, for everyone’s sake, that when I actually reach my destination, there still be someone there to leave the light on, open the door and welcome me after a tough journey.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weekend Wind Down...

Well, as you all know, I've had a wretched ear infection this weekend, but am happy to report that I am feeling almost good as new today. I know, I know...poor, poor pitiful me...but in my own defense, I do get monster ear infections which have landed me in the hospital twice, for a week each time, so you can easily understand the basis for my alarm.
The good news is that while I was being puny yesterday, and all from the comfort of my bed, I gave myself a pedicure, manicure and plucked my eyebrows (with some help from a lighted magnifying mirror). In my own estimation, I saved myself $70. A fact which gave me great delight. Well, that is until I ran a few errands today, and spent closer to $300 (groceries, car wash, weekly Starbucks fix, The Elements of Style, a couple of iPod accessories and Strunk's Elements of Style).
I wish I could say I got more accomplished this weekend, but to be honest, I really did feel puny, and took several naps yesterday with the help of the pain killers prescribed by the doctor which did a great job of easing the pain, but alas, knocked me out as well. Have never understood the recreational use of pain killers.....I mean, for me anyway, that would be the equivalent of popping Tylenol PM times ten, just for kicks......and who does that? LOL
Today however, I have been marginally more productive, and can report that I there is a lemon, sour cream poundcake in my oven at this very moment, smelling quite scrumptious if I do say so myself. I got the recipe from my best friend, who found it on the Southern Living website. What further validation is required? Southern Living = tres' fab, right? At any rate, here's a link to the recipe in case you're interested: My mother's initial reaction to my blog was less than favorable and she admonished me repeatedly that it made me sound shallow. As such, I have refrained from saying much about my new iPod, but at the risk of further reproach, have decided to share just a few of the cool things I've done since purchasing it. For one, I've downloaded the most informative podcasts from iTunes. They have podcasts for anything you can imagine. Most of the ones in my collection are tips on writing, but I also found podcasts containing Jane Austen's books. The best part is, so far, everything I've downloaded has been free. I really like postcast and podcast. The Austen is just gravy...right now, I'm listening to Pride and Prejudice, and loving it. Oh...I also love Grammar Girl's quick and dirty grammar tips. Yes....all of this makes me sound quite nerdy.....oh well, so be it.....I'm the trendiest nerd YOU'LL ever meet! *wink* I also checked in with my friends BAM and PPM, and have thoroughly enjoyed reading their blog entries. I must say theirs are of far superior literary quality than my own, but gotta start somewhere right? OH........and most importantly, I got another chapter of my novel finished. The next chpater to write is Sweet Sixteen....wooo flippin hooo!!!! GO ME! Have done some investigations into self-publishing, am having mixed emotions and am just going to write, write, write and hope to procure an agent or book deal at a more appropriate time. Till next time.... Miss Scarlett

Friday, August 8, 2008

Finally Friday!

Let me begin by first saying, "Thank God it's Friday!"
This has been an absolute bear of a week, and I am quite glad to be calling it done. The only hiccup to an otherwise good day is the fact that I have a bad ear infection which came out of nowhere. Now, I don't just get normal ear infections - I get the souped up, fast acting, high-performance kind. As a result, after paying my copay, I was given two different anti-biotics, two different ear drops and pain killers with instruction that if there is more swelling in the morning, I am supposed to go to the ER immediately. Great, huh? Needless to say, I spent all my shopping money at the pharmacy!
Other than that, I am pleased to report that two of my friends have started their own blogs here and I have enjoyed reading them immensely. Fortunately, their posts are a great deal more interesting than my own, and perhaps they should be writing a novel instead of yours truly. By the by, I am about to start Chapter 15. Go me! Such grand plans for being so productive this weekend seem to be falling by the wayside in lieu of convalescing and trying to keep my butt out of the hospital. Oh well, such is life.
I'll go for now, it's time for me to take my first round of pills, drops, and who knows what else! LOL
Happy Friday to all!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Saturday Morning Musings

Well,here I am on this first Saturday morning in August, still yawning and trying to wake up as I begin typing.
I wish I could say that my first blog entry was met with rave reviews but, to be honest, I think the only people who read it were a couple of good friends and my mom. The friends seemed to think it would pass muster, but I did end up in an amusingly animated conversation with my mom about how shallow and bratty the post made me sound. Nice, huh?
Perhaps I could have picked a better stream on thought to expound on, but with it being my maiden voyage out, I was trying to still with some safe, unimportant topic which would allow me to test the waters without baring the depths of my soul. Silly me! LOL
So, here I am again, tapping out a quick entry before I get my day started (yes, it's 11am and I've just only gotten up in the last hour or so, but I was tired and needed the rest). My goal today is to do some major organization around the house...specifically my closet and bedroom, maybe the kitchen if I get REALLY spunky and to go buy that shallow device as mentioned in my previoug post, which I shall not mention here as I fear I may incite another excited diatribe about my inner brattiness.
I am trying to talk one of my friends into launching her own blog. She really has an uncanny way with words, and she cracks me up. I think perhaps her blog would be much more well received than my own, as she actually has useful things to contribute, where as I only write whatever pops into my head. I think perhaps blogs are more for the bloggers than the bleaders (I still love that term for blog readers in the book "Julie and Julia").
Alright then, I'll write more later and let you know how successful my mission organization is today. Here's hoping!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Maiden Voyage...

Well, here I am writing my very first blog entry. How very 2008 of me, or maybe 2004 of me. Yeah, that's probably the better description. I'm always the late bloomer when it comes to technology. If you don't believe me, I offer further proof of this with the fact that I don't even have an iPod. In fact, I only decided last week that I actually wanted one. Until then, they just seemed like an awful lot of trouble, and I didn't think I wanted any part of it. But.......things happen, and after a particularly enlightening trip to the beach, complete with my best friend and her iPod, with this nifty little base with speakers (can be run on batteries or plugged in), I was sold. Who knew those little gadgets could be so handy dandy? I swear, I had no idea. So, now that I'm all on this technology kick, I decided to create a blog. Okay, that and the fact that I just got through reading Julie and Julia and am completely inspired by Julie and all of her "bleaders". LOL
So, there you have it sports fans, I am an official blogger AND I'm getting an iPod. Or maybe some other kind of MP3 player, but probably an iPod because, after all, all the cool kids have iPods, and after surviving big bangs, parachute pants and "wings", I have definitely earned my stripes as a resident cool kid, right? My techie friends keep telling me that I should check into Zune or Creative Labs or Sandisk or something or other, but I think not. I mean, all the acccessories I've seen are really geared for iPods, not some other crazy brand and though it does make me a bit of a brat, I really do think I want the name brand this time. For the aforementioned "cool kid" reason, and the fact that it just seems easier, like a no brainer. No conversions or crazy technology glitches. Straight from iTunes to the iPod. I'm leaning towards the Nano, and though I had my heart set on the Tiffany blue one, now think perhaps it's a little too much, and after all, how serious does a respectable grown woman, with a real job driving a luxury car (though, admittedly several years old) look, driving down the road with some loud color iPod mounted for the world to see. Black is probably the more sophisticated choice anyway. But then again, you know how we Southern girls are kinda partial to our bright colors! The other thought is to get the 80 gig iPod classic, but then, that's got the real hard drive, not the flash drive, and well, let's just say that Lady Grace here has cell phone insurance for a REASON. I don't care if they do say it's a rip off, it has saved my butt on multiple occasions and is worth it to me.
You know, after reading the preceding paragraphs, I must admit, I sound a little materialistic. To the complete stranger, I migth evens sound a little bratty, but I promise, you've just caught me in a retail therapy kind of mood, and my world really does revolve around more than moonlight, magnolias and spending money! As if I need to be spending money anyway, aren't we supposed to be more frugal now with the topsy turvy state of the enconomy? Oh well, I guess an iPod isn't exactly a "big ticket item", but it's pretty big to me.....
Anyway, it's getting late and I am getting sleepy. I gotta say, I kinda like this blogging thing. What a great way to unwind and get out all your random, disconnected thoughts before hitting the sack.
G'nite ya'll!