Monday, September 1, 2008

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!! - Henny Penny

As a 35 year resident of the Gulf Coast, I would like to remind the media of their duty to accurately report the news in the interest of public safety. Gustav is a Category 2. To hear the news, you'd think it was a category 52 (just dramatic effect, in the same vein as typical reporting). By no means, do I mean to trivialize a Category 2 storm....I have ridden out many myself and know what they are like. The point is, the reason people don't take hurricanes seriously anymore is because the media reports every thunderstorn or raindrop as a deadly hybrid tsunami/hurricane and we can't depend on the media to give it to us straight. You wonder why Katrina was so devastating? One reason because people no longer take the media seriously (on hurricanes or anything else for that matter). We can't depend on the to give us straight facts instead of going for the gusto ratings. The media incites hysterical fears because it is profitable for them to do so. They traffic in human suffering. If you consider that statement for a moment, you will agree it is true. It is deplorable that a once noble profession has become so corrupt and public safety has taken a back seat to beating out the other station.


Andrew Monaghan said...

Did the hurricane get you? Why no entries since forever?